Newish dad looking for a
new problem to solve

Newish dad looking for a new problem to solve

My family and I are located in a suburb of Salt Lake City. I grew up near Seattle and lived most of my life there. A lot has changed for me over the past year, all for the best.

How I’ve found success in design with a business degree and cybersecurity background

I used to wish I’d studied digital art in college, but then I wouldn’t have became a management and cybersecurity consultant. Those skills have been invaluable in setting my skills apart. Once I did learn design through other means, I immediately leveraged my technical background into becoming a differentiated designer and strategic leader.

There was an immediate draw to design systems where I’ve architected simple solutions to thrive in complex environments. I’ve consistently been relied upon to bridge design and engineering for building high-quality experiences. I don’t usually fight for the sexiest design, but often the simpler one that we can build on time and serve customers faster.

Blessed with a beautiful Guatemalan wife and baby girl

Blessed with a beautiful Guatemalan wife and baby girl

Gary the goofy golden

(seeking treat sponsor deals)

Gary the goofy golden

(seeking treat sponsor deals)

My approach to leading and reducing headaches for my manager

I don’t bring an ego to work. I find what works for the business and customers through team collaboration to bring about the best design solution.

Too often I’ve seen designs decided on opinions or politics. I believe there is evidence to be found through data, user research, or other factors to avoid bias or assumptions and ensure we ship the right thing. How we get there may be messy and unscripted. As long as we deliver on our goal and learn how to be better next time around, it’s a win for me.

© Brian Eckmann